Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Oh my!
Today's schedule:
Work 8:45-12:15
Get Jospeh a gift
Make a gift from AJ
Ice the cake
Decorate the cake
Meet J at Target to get AJ's costume at 3
Make a steak dinner and eat
Family over at 4:30ish for cake and ice cream
I don't know how I'm going to get everything done!!!
I'll update later!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Busy Day Off!

The day started off with breakfast making, dish washing,and laundry. I finally got to clean up AJ's room from when she and Luke played Friday. That room was a mess! It seemed like they opened every box and just dumped out the contents. There were My Pretty Ponies and Little People everywhere! Not to mention the 4 decks of flash cards strewn across the room! But they had fun and kept themselves occupied, so I suppose it was worth a half hour of cleaning.
I made Joseph's birthday cake this evening. It's a yellow and fudge marble sheet cake. Tomorrow I'll apply chocolate fudge icing. I haven't decided how to decorate it yet. Tomorrow he'll be 25! We're going to celebrate by having his family come over and share cake and ice cream. I'm excited, I love having guests!

Well, I have clothes to put in the dryer and towels to fold! Hopefully I'll get to bed soon! 'Night!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trip to Grammy's!

It's amazing how the leaves have turned so much faster in VA than in SC! Everything is pretty much still green in Rock Hill while the mountains are a beautiful shade of orange.
We went to see my parents in VA this weekend and to vist my grandmother in the nursing home. We had fun! AJ got to play with my parent's foster son, Christopher. (We just passed a man who looked like he wrecked his motorcycle on the interstate! Say a prayer!) They had fun together. Last night we built a fire and roasted marshmellows. My mom and sister surprised me and Joseph with our own birthday cakes (J is 10/27, I'm 11/02).
We're thinking about holloween costumes for AJ. Cracker Barrel has really cute bumble bee and lady bug fairy costumes. We're going to check Target as well. I can't wait to take her trick-or-treating. Last year she wasn't able to walk (she was only 5 months old). This year she'll be able to walk and I'm going to work with her to say "trick-or-treat". She's gonna be so cute!