Thursday, February 24, 2011

Flip Flops in February...'s a wonderful thing! I've worn my black, impossibly-comfortable Nike flip flops all week. I've ignored the fact that my feet have yet to recover from the harsh, dry winter with nary a soak in months. The dark polish from my last home pedicure had chipped off long ago. My longing for flip flop wearing freedom far out weighed my embarrassment of colorless toes. I finally found a few free moments today to fervently brush on Love My Nails "Love #571". The bright red hue immediately made my day better... and my feet more acceptable. As much as I love the current weather, I fear it won't last. I'm afraid the cold will take over at least once more before it's Springtime. I'll have to once again don socks and boots. My toes will have been polished in vain. Now that my toes have breathed fresh air, how can they go back?