My September 17th due date is quickly approaching! Within the month I'll be holding my beautiful baby girl! Last night Baby was moving a lot and had the hiccups. I could see every tiny little hiccup push my belly out. Throughout my pregnancy, every time I tried to let Joseph feel the baby, she would stop moving as soon as his hand rested on my belly. This time he got to feel her for a good 5 minutes. Even more exciting was that AJ got to feel her little sister!
I think AJ may be coming around to the idea of having a sister. When asked, she can tell me where her baby sister is and usually can tell me her name. She affectionately calls her "Connie" or "Collie". I don't think that her understanding of the situation is any deeper than a game of "Where's your little sister?" I still don't know how she will handle having a new baby around taking up much of the attention she has come enjoy all to herself. I don't think she will be too happy about it though. Last night when Joseph was paying too much attention to my belly AJ started acting silly to draw him back to her. If that is an indication of what's to come, we may have a power struggle for a while.
As much as AJ will not like having her thunder stolen, I think she will quickly come to love having a baby sister. Her nurturing instinct is definitely starting to develop. Up until recently she has had no interest in baby dolls and the like. Now she will rock her animal "buddies" and feed them her snacks and water. She also throws them across the room and drags them by there legs so... we may have to watch out for that!
I'm so excited to have this baby! I just cannot wait until this little darling is born!